10You can obtain aroma qualifications. French medical aroma and British aroma. Up to pet aroma. Operates a sister store "Japanese essential oil specialty store Kakaguwa". It is an aroma school where you can work as a staff member even after learning.

≪ olfactory response analyst Zoom Introductory and Basic Course Attendance Report≫

Olfactory Reaction Analyst Introductory and Applied Courses Thank you very much for taking this course.
Students who also have knowledge of aromas, listening and dog self-care

I think that olfactory response analysis is combined with various specialized knowledge and leads to learning that leads to improvement of work skills.

【We received feedback from the participants】
It was two days in the blink of an eye. Although it was an introductory course, there were many contents, and I was able to learn about traditional aromatherapy, aromatherapy of pharmacological action, and logical aromatherapy, and I was able to learn in a well-balanced manner that I learned that there is a reason for each of them to do so, which tends to be biased by all means.
I like to dig deeper, so it was very interesting content.
I felt that proposing essential oils and measures that suit each individual could be proposed in a shorter way with a reason, rather than somehow. I am also very much looking forward to the next basic course.
I would like to use it not only for humans but also for important pets.
It was very good to be able to take classes from Professor Chihiro.
I didn't have a bad face to ask a lot of questions, and it was easy to understand because I was able to answer them.
Thank you very much.

It was taken before this summer. You are now an olfactory response analyst.
You have also started an aroma instructor activity.
He is a nice person who is a student and has a gentle aura of healing system. Thank you very much.

#Olfactory Response Analyst
#Aromatherapy #嗅覚
#Olfactory Reaction Analysis #ホメオスタシス
#Olfactory reaction analysis check #アロマテラピー
#Introductory Course #アロマスクール
#Aroma Class #癒したい
#Medical Aroma
#They smell a scent
#Mental Health # Examinees
#Junior High School Entrance Exam # High School Entrance Exam # University Entrance Exam
#Aroma Blend #ブレンドする
#Nard #ナードベーシック
#Homeostasis #東京
#Nard Aromatherapy #杉並区
#Ogikubo Station #荻窪 #天沼
#Church Street #荻窪駅北口
#Ecole du Fleurie Aromatherapy Tokyo