10You can obtain aroma qualifications. French medical aroma and British aroma. Up to pet aroma. Operates a sister store "Japanese essential oil specialty store Kakaguwa". It is an aroma school where you can work as a staff member even after learning.


Kaka kaguwa syrashi completed

< Kaguwa flyer completed> The flyer that I had exchanged with the designer was completed. The front and back are wonderfully done. I'm overwhelmed. If you ask a professional, it's definitely different. Thank you very much, Mr. Watanabe. I always count on it. 【Purpose of Kaguwa】◆ A place where Fleurille graduates can play an active role, and what you have learned will not be wasted! ◆ Living with essential oils will further enrich your usual daily life. ◆Reaffirming the attractiveness of Japan◆Land area of Japan: 67%(Two-thirds of the country's land area)Kaguwa [April business day] * First Friday, Saturday and Sunday of every month ◆ April 2 ~ 4(Friday, Saturday and Sunday)Ogikubo Station North Exit Church Street Shopping Street Chabuku Gallery(2 houses away from Fleurille)【Brands of the Month】Please come to the store to try the scent of 18th, yuica, and KENSO Japan essential oil. It is distilled according to the manufacturer. The scent is different due to the difference in distillation, the same name but a different type, the same tree, citrus, the scent of flowers but a different place of growth, etc. Sniffing and comparison are also fun. [Item] Essential oil, floral water, mask spray bath oil, skin care, hair care gift, recommended product for gifts [Business period event] ◆ Only one in the world "My perfume"(One coin ¥500(税込))◆ Olfactory response analysis check "Aroma diagnosis that prepares the mind and body recommended for you" ¥ 1,650(税込)◆ New project ◆ Essential oil consultation corner(If you have purchased it but don't know how to use it and have left it * Essential oils purchased at other stores are fine.)If you purchase one item in the store, we will answer your inquiry. * If it is sold out or may not be accepted depending on the time of day. Please contact us for this purpose.(Contact: From the inquiry on the Fleureel website)#Aroma Perfume#Forest #Perfume#Domestic Essential Oil#Japan Aroma#Forest Aroma #Forest Aromatherapy#Ginger Essential Oil #Japan Essential Oil #18 Days #yuica #Japan Essential Oil#Japan Essential Oil Specialty Store #KENSO #Aromatherapy #Aroma School #Tokyo #Suginami Ward #Ogikubo Station #Amanuma #Church Street #Church Street Shopping Street #Ecole de Fleurille Aromatherapy Tokyo #香kaguwaLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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This year's event has ended safely.

今となってはあっという間の初めての子育てから20年でした。 最近は頼もしくもあり、今時の事を教えてくれる娘達。 成人式では、2000年のワインを探しましたが見つからず。 2001年のワインを購入し、お祝いをしました。 これからは責任ある立派な大人として接していこうと思います。 成人式おめでとう。 そして、次女 中学の卒業式は保護者は出席できず、子どもたちは教室での卒業式でした。 親としては、三年間お弁当作りを頑張った証として、卒業式には参列してみたかったですが 学校の判断。感染対策は受け入れましょう。 一番小さい制服を購入した入学式 今では、スカートが短くなりましたね。 これからも、学生生活頑張ってください。 我が家の二人娘の行事報告でした。 いつもありがとうございます。 #我が家の行事 #アロマスクール #成人式 #中学卒業 #娘たち #香kaguwa #香 #エステサロン #アロマトリートメント #アロマテラピー #アロマ教室 #アロマレッスン #東京 #杉並区 #荻窪 #天沼 #教会通り #教会通り商店街 #エコールドゥフルーリールアロマテラピー東京Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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Learning for brushing up

I retook the Olfactory Response Analyzer Introductory Course. The brush-up of the course is reworked every time the course is held. This time, too, we are planning to hold an introductory course on Fleurile, taking what we have learned so far, what we have learned this time, and the original and good things of Fleurile. The Olfactory Response Analyzer Introductory Course is currently in two classes. I'll tell you what to add. We look forward to your continued Fleurel introductory course. [Introductory course zoom information] * We are currently recruiting. ◆ 2 hours × 3 times Total 6 hours ◆ Wednesday class 14:00~16:00 (1)5/12 (2)19 (3)26 Click here for the course content Go to Fleurille homepage https://medical-aroma.biz/73138/資格一覧/●薬理作用からアロマを学ぶ/#third #アロマテラピー #嗅覚 #嗅覚反応分析 #ホメオスタシス #嗅覚反応分析チェック #アロマテラピー #入門講座 #アロマスクール #アロマ教室 #癒したい #メディカルアロマ #香りを嗅ぐ #Mental health#Examinees #Junior high school exams#High school entrance exams#University entrance exams #アロマブレンド #ブレンドする #ナード #ナードベーシック #ホメオスタシス #東京 #ナードアロマテラピー #杉並区 #荻窪駅 #荻窪 #天沼 #教会通り #荻窪駅北口 #エコールドゥフルーリールアロマテラピー東京Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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Application Course Review Tea Ceremony Guide

当スクールで嗅覚反応分析チェックご依頼でも多い事例です。 どうして引きこもり、不登校になったかを知るだけで、ご家族がすくわれたり、本人も気づいてない思いを知る事で救われることになるようです。 そして、本人が動かなくても食事でアプローチできるのもいいですね。 応用講座受講済みの方。復習しましょう! 気軽にお茶しながら、応用講座の復習をしていきます。 参加者さんの匿名でグラフの読み解きを発表していきます。 それを解説、手直しも行います。 みんなの読み解きの視点がそれぞれで、これがめっちゃ!!勉強になるんです。 思いつかなかったことが学びになったり、読み解きの幅が広がります。 フルーリール受講生さん以外の方も参加募集します! 題して「応用講座おさらいzoomお茶会」 気軽に参加して頂き、応用講座の疑問点や理解を深めていきましょう。 ※嗅覚反応分析士応用講座受講済みが条件です。 【事前に宿題があります】 「引きこもり、不登校」がお悩みのクライアントさんにむけて グラフの四方向(Lower right, bottom left, upper left, upper right)Please set each of them as "few", "many", "heart axis", and "body axis" and explain the IM check. The announcement is anonymous. If you don't understand at all, please contact us. Deadline: March 30 [Date] April 1()15:00 to 16:00 [Application Deadline] March 28(day) 【Applied Course Review Zoom Tea Ceremony Fee】Fleurille graduates are ¥1,100(税込) ¥2,200(税込) [Payment method] Bank transfer, card payment Payment deadline: March 31 [Apply from here] https://medical-aroma.biz/73138/ Contact us access/ From inquiries on the homepage From Instagram, Facebook, Twitter messages #嗅覚反応分析 #基礎講座 #応用講座 #引きこもり #不登校 #フォロー講座 #嗅覚反応分析 #メディカルアロマ #アロマスクール #アロマ教室 #アロマテラピー #東京 #杉並区#荻窪#天沼 #教会通り #教会通り商店街 #エコール de Fleurille AromatherapyTokyo LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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Olfactory reaction analyzer Applied course zoom is the first day of two days.

本日はボランティアで参加しております。 応用講座は解剖生理学、栄養学を学んで、なぜ筋トレか?なぜ断捨離か?と 解剖生理学が人となりにつながる学びが応用講座です。 そして原子論の化学的理論がベースの嗅覚反応分析 解剖生理学で自分を知る 何回聞いても楽しい学びです。 自分を知る、他人を知る って大切だな。と再確認します。 そして、流行に流されない自分にあった健康法も知ることができる お昼の休憩タイムは主人からホワイトデーのプレゼントにもらった千疋屋のおやつ いつもありがとう。 明日も引き続き、宜しくお願いします。 #嗅覚反応分析 #基礎講座 #応用講座 #嗅覚 #ホメオスタシス #行動変容 #メディカルアロマ #アロマスクール #アロマ教室 #アロマテラピー #東京 #杉並区#荻窪#天沼 #教会通り #教会通り商店街 #エコール・ドゥ・フルーリール・アロマテラピー東京Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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3Moon Start Olfactory Reaction Analyzer Face-to-Face Basic Course Guide

毎日の体調管理に使える 嗅覚反応分析 化学的、統計的、論理的に今の心と身体の状態がわかります。 ※嗅覚反応分析は特許取得しています。 体調管理ができるスキルを身につけませんか? 体全体の情報が集まっていると言われている本能の反応を 嗅覚を介してグラフ化できる嗅覚応分析 食事、気分転換の運動も体調管理しながら、何を選択したらいいか確認できます。 嗅覚反応分析は特許取得しているツールです。 そして、嗅覚反応分析のチェックは3分!簡単! ****こんな方におすすめ**** ★子育て中、介護中 ★ご自分が病気で体調が心配な方 ★仕事のパフォーマンスアップしたい ★お仕事と嗅覚反応分析で差別化したい *****基礎講座で学ぶこと***** ★嗅覚反応分析の基本を学びます。 まずIMチェックという香りに対しての嗅覚反応から健康状態を計測する技術で自分をデータ化します。 そしてIMチャートという独自の健康管理指標で状態を分析し ★自分にあったアロマ、食事、運動や健康法がわかります。 ★嗅覚反応分析キットがセットになっています。講座初日から毎日セルフチェックできるようになります。 【3月対面講座スケジュール】 ※申し込みは3月21日迄※ ※ご希望日程は他の日でも構いません。ご連絡ください。※ 《基礎講座 全12時間》 *3時間×4回* 木曜日14:00~17:00Classes are slow from March ~ May. (1)3/25 (2)4/8 (3)22 (4)5/6 *Inconvenient schedule can be transferred [Tuition fee] Textbook fee / material fee ¥ 121,000 13,200(Association enrollment fee) (税込) [Special gift from Fleurel] (1) 15 essential oil tasting sets learned in the basic course (2) You can purchase 6 brands handled at a student discount. (3) Backing up until you can start as a job (4) Staff experience at the sister store "Kaguwa" Japanese essential oil specialty store(Olfactory reaction analysis check) (5) Consultation about aroma and making aroma crafts at school at any time [How to apply] Homepage: Purchase from inquiry form, shopping page, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook message [Payment method] Bank transfer, card payment [Olfactory response analysis is recommended for people like this] Those who learn to use it for family use Child-rearing, exams, diet management for kids athletes, nursing care, daily physical condition, alleviation of worrisome symptoms, etc. In addition, people from various industries who want to use it in their work are participating. Sports trainers, nutritionists, cram school instructors, esthetics, aroma treatments, psychological counselors, pets, sales, medical care, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc#アロマテラピー #嗅覚 #嗅覚反応分析 #ホメオスタシス #嗅覚反応分析チェック #アロマテラピー #入門講座 #アロマスクール #アロマ教室 [...]

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NARD BASIC Facial Skin Care Course Report

This is a weekend course report. 【NARD BASIC Facial Skin Care】 An introductory course that anyone can participate in. While experiencing the fun of aromatherapy, the practice of touching chemotype essential oils is popular. It is also possible to participate in one-off. *This kind of person is learning* I want to experience aromatherapy happily. Before the Aroma Advisor course, I would like to know what chemotype aromatherapy is like. You can learn from NARD JAPAN certified aromatherapy basicic instructor. Once you have completed and qualified, you can work as an aromatherapy basic instructor if you complete all lessons of each course and receive certification registration after acquiring the Aroma Advisor qualification. *Curriculum* Lesson 1: Cleansing Cream Lesson 2: Facial Soap Lesson 3: Clay Pack Lesson 4: Herbal Water Lotion Lesson 5: Eye Gel Lesson 6: Beauty Oil Lesson 7: Lip Balm This time, we held all lessons. There were two students scheduled to attend, but one child was absent due to a fever on the day. In this time, such circumstances can be canceled on the day. Chika-san is a NARD advisor, so I will tell you what you have stepped up and points to convey as a lecturer. After taking the course, you will be ready to make your debut as a basic instructor. We look forward to your active participation. Today, we have a set of handmade beauty skin care Please enjoy skin care from today. Thank you very much for taking this course. #NARD #ナード #ベーシック #メディカルアロマ #手作り化粧品 #美容液 #美肌 #ジェル #クレンジング #クレイ #石けん #クレイパック #フェイシャルケア #東京 #Suginami-ku#Ogikubo#Amanuma #教会通り商店街 #教会通り #エコール de Fleuril Aromatherapy TokyoLanguage This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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3Month "Kakawa" business has ended.

Ka-kaguwa is the first in JapanJapanese essential oil specialty store(a street shop)Are. Ichi》It is a shop that provides a place for people who have studied at "Ecole de Fleurille Aromatherapy Tokyo" to work. I want you to experience the joy of learning and putting it into practice. It is a store where you can smell and try Japanese essential oils, compare sniffs by brand, and check the comfort of skin care items with a tester. March 5()~7(day)The business day has been successfully completed. Since the state of emergency is still declared, the leisurely sales staff helped only those who do not use transportation. Here are some reports and impressions of the March business. This time, I think you were looking for a scent that will enhance your mood as spring is almost here. The scent of the tree that energizes you, the aroma of spring mushyness, skin care items, and the olfactory reaction analysis check were popular. A man also came to the store and purchased a recommended bath oil for stiff shoulders by checking the olfactory response analysis. "Nanohana-san" aroma perfumery stylist who came to the store for the purpose of being able to sniff and compare Japanese essential oils from Instagram @nanohanakonatsu I couldn't believe it was the first time I met him, and I was able to talk a lot. Thank you very much We look forward to meeting you again. The long-established Japanese essential oil brand "yuica" visited us. It was an event that made me want to do my best in the future. This is the first roadside store to handle YUICAI was also very pleased that it was a store of * Excluding directly managed stores by the manufacturer, we will continue to make efforts to continue the business of "Kaguwa". 【Start of trading】"hikobayu" Hokkaido Niseko Todomatsu essential oil has been found in research by national universities to have various effects such as extremely high air purification effect, soothing effect due to forest bathing effect, deodorizing effect, and antiviral effect. This was also in stock during the period. Thank you for your purchase. 【Next April Business Day】 April 2()~4(day)11:00~17:00 * The receipt of Kaguwa will be a very good discount coupon for your next purchase. We look forward to seeing you next time. #Aroma Stone#Forest #Domestic Essential Oil#Japan Aroma #森林アロマ #森林アロマセラピー #生姜精油 #Japan Essential Oil #一十八日 #yuica #Aromatherapy #Aroma School #Tokyo#Suginami Ward#Ogikubo#Ogikubo Station #Amanuma#Church Street #教会通り商店街 #エコールドゥフルーリールアロマテラピー東京 #香kaguwaLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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